Friday, November 6, 2015

The New York Times and Julian Heicklen

Do you know Dr. Julian Heicklen? Have you heard of him? Are you aware of all that he has done for your liberties, your freedoms, your rights?

You may not think it's worth your time to pick up a book called Tyranny Fighters: the Julian Heicklen Chronicles and read about this remarkable man but The New York Times certainly thought he was important when he was fighting for your jury nullification rights in 2011. They wrote several articles about him. Here's a link to one:

James Leynse for The New York Times

Julian was also featured in articles by The Wall Street Journal, The Economist, Harper's Magazine, Fox News, Dallas Morning News, Orlando Sentinel, Reuters, Reason, and The Heritage Foundation. He was interviewed in 2014 by CopBlock and written about in many other blogs and periodicals.

In 2012 freedom activist Ernest Hancock noted, "If you fight for a cause, almost anyone can change the world. It takes personal discomfort, confrontation, and persistence. It does not happen fast. Usually it takes a generation, and sometimes maybe longer. You do not convince the present generation. It is the following generation that you hope to reach."

It's time for all generations to learn the full story behind this 80+-year-old retired Penn State chemistry professor who one reader called "an outstanding genuine latter-day hero."

Julian Heicklen has established a legacy that all freedom activists should know. You can learn his story here:

TYRANNY FIGHTERS: Available in Paperback / eBook / iTunes / Kindle